Tuesday, November 20, 2007

Peter Pan (2003)

This is a small exchange in the movie Peter Pan.

Wendy : Once upon a time there was a boy named Peter Pan, who decided not to grow up.

Hook : Skip the prologue

Wendy : So he flew away to Neverland where the pirates are.

Hook : What fun he must have had.

Wendy : Yes but he was rather lonely.

Hook : Lonely? He needed a Wendy. Why a Wendy?

Wendy : He liked my stories.

Hook : What stories?

Wendy : Cinderella, Snow White, Sleeping Beauty.

Hook : Love stories?

Wendy : Adventures! In which good triumphs over evil!

Hook : They all end in a kiss. He does feel! He feels about you. She told him stories. He taught her to fly. How?

Wendy : You just think happy thoughts. They lift you into the air.

Hook : Alas, I have no happy thoughts.

Wendy : That brings you down!

Hook : How else?

Michael: Fairy dust! You need fairy dust!

Hook : What of Pan? Would unhappy thoughts bring him down?

Wendy : He has no unhappy thoughts.

Source: http://www.imdb.com/